A definite crowd pleaser, and not too spicy for those who usually shy away from chili or salsa dips. Served with tortilla chips. Best served warm, but...
This is a spicy dip that has become a staple for football watching in our house! Chicken, cream cheese, ranch, cheddar, and hot sauce are combined to make...
I fell in love with Carlos O'Kelly's chili con queso with chicken, and experimented until I came up with something I think is a great imitation. It's often...
My mother used to make this dip for me when I was a kid and it was always one of my favorites. This is a very quick and easy recipe for guests and it is...
This white queso recipe is similar to white cheese sauces served in Mexican restaurants. The heat can be adjusted by adding chili pepper or more cayenne...
This white queso recipe is similar to white cheese sauces served in Mexican restaurants. The heat can be adjusted by adding chili pepper or more cayenne...
My best friend shared this recipe with me, and we are SO SICK of making it -- but it's always requested at our parties! We have made the pretzel in various...
This white queso recipe is similar to white cheese sauces served in Mexican restaurants. The heat can be adjusted by adding chili pepper or more cayenne...
This is a delicious dip that can even be served as an entree along with tortilla chips and a salad. For a tamer version of this dip, use mild taco sauce....
My daughter-in-law made this for a Christmas appetizer, and it was a hit. I had to have the recipe. For having Ro*TelĀ® and jalapenos in it, it really...
A delicious warm appetizer to put out that soon everyone will gobble up. Quick and easy to make with few ingredients. Puts a whole new meaning to ham and...
Mexican fondue loaded with flavor. Additional fillings could be added to this easily: shrimp, crawfish, black olives, etc. Great over chips, baked potatoes,...
A hot tasty dip that is sure to please everyone. Artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers add a pleasant zing to this mild crowd pleaser that's perfect...
My husband named this dish. A wonderfully cheesy dip with spiced ground sausage and green chiles. Served warm with corn chips, it always goes so fast at...
Everyone loves this great taco dip. It's so easy, but it looks like it took a lot of effort. You can adjust the spiciness to your liking. Serve with tortilla...
Everyone loves this great taco dip. It's so easy, but it looks like it took a lot of effort. You can adjust the spiciness to your liking. Serve with tortilla...
This is a true chile con queso that can be eaten with tostadas or in a warm corn tortilla. This is not like the Americanized version of chili con queso...